Monday, April 27, 2009

part two.

I don't have an appetite for anything or anyone these days. I don't know what to eat anymore. Everything tastes the same, except beans, beans are pretty gross. I think I'm fighting a small bout of mild depression. I'm not really depressed, a bit melancholy but not depressed. I'm impatient and I want everything to go at microwave speeds. I got a plant and it's not growing. I water and even talk to it, but it's being stubborn.

Mo' money, mo' problems.
I don't really worry about money, I know I should but I don't. Maybe it's because I don't have much of it. It's like driving a fancy car. You have to park it far away in order to avoid dings and scratches from cars not as fancy as yours.

Remember to floss regularly. I know it sucks but you'll be happy you did it in the end. It's like going to the gym. You never regret going to the gym.

It's the small things in life that put a smile on my face. Like grabbing 'The Onion' and finding a blanket instead, and murals of tigers.

I think tomorrow will be better.


  1. I like the first photo of the blanket a lot. Try re-potting your plant. I have some good soil with plant nutrients in it. If you remind me I will bring you a bag of it. How big is your pot?

  2. it's a small plant. can't explain it. like the size of a coffee mug i think.
